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聖若瑟教區中學第一至六校校史編輯委員會; 李仁傑; 黃建民; 喬樹勇 | 聖若瑟教區中學(第一至四校); 聖若瑟教區中學第五校; 聖若瑟教區中學第六校
郭曉明; 王敏 | 廣東經濟出版社
Macao-PISA 2018 Report: Assessment of Reading, Mathematical and Scientific Literacy Performance of 15-year-old Students from an International Comparative Perspective
Cheung, Kwok-Cheung; Sit, Pou-Seong; Mak, Soi-Kei; Ieong, Man-Kai | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau
Macao-PISA 2015 Report: Assessment of Scientific, Reading and Mathematical Literacy Performance of 15-year-old Students from an International Comparison Perspective
Cheung, Kwok-Cheung; Sit, Pou-Seong; Mak, Soi-Kei; Ieong, Man-Kai | Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre, University of Macau