Silva, Antonio Manuel Pacheco Jorge da (施安東)

1938 年生於澳門、長於香港,現定居美國。他是英國、美國、香港及澳門的註冊建築師,亦是美國建築師學會會員。作為一位澳門土生葡人,施安東多年來不僅對澳門保持深厚的感情,而且筆耕不斷,著有多本關於土生葡人及其全球遷徙的著作,如 The Portuguese Community in Hong Kong(2007)、Diaspora Macaense to California (2009)、The Portuguese Community in Hong Kong, Volume II(2010)、The Portuguese Community in Shanghai(2012)、Macaenses, The Portuguese in China(2015)、Macaense Cuisine, History and Evolution(2016)等。
Exerceu funções de arquitecto em Macau, Hong Kong, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos, dedicou-se, após a aposentação, a escrever a gesta dos descendentes dos portugueses em Macau, incluindo as suas experiências em muitas regiões da China e integração nos países da diáspora, analisando as suas implicações sociais e culturais. Entre as suas obras contam-se “The Portuguese Community in Hong Kong (2 volumes)” “The Portuguese Community in Shanghai”, “Macaense Cuisine – Origins and Evolution”; “Macaenses – the Portuguese in China”, que está a ser vertida também para a língua chinesa.

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  • 圖書(6
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  • 楊子秋(1
  • 容嫣莉(1
  • 澳門國際研究所(5
  • Conselho das Comunidades Macaenses(1
  • 澳門日報出版社(1
  • 澳門大學(1
  • 英文(5
  • 中文(1

The Portuguese in China 1513-1999

Silva, Antonio M. Jorge da | Instituto Internacional de Macau; Universidade de Macau

Macaenses, or Macanese as they are known today, are the descendants of the Portuguese who settled in Macau in 1557. Their Luso-Asiatic heritage, which evolved from the very outset of the settlement of Macau, is unique in its global timeframe, the very beginning of what is today commonplace in the multinational societies of the Western world. They are an integral part of the Portuguese people and their history in Macau, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and the Treaty Ports along the Chinese coast must be recognized.

Little has been written in English or Chinese about this very people who lived and participated in the dynamics of colonialism during the establishment of Western trade along the shores of China, particularly those who were born, or whose ancestors were born, in Macau, and who left to live and work in other coastal cities in China. Therefore, this book is intended to communicate the comprehensive history of the people of Macau and also the descendants of the Portuguese. It tells of their complex multi-racial, multilingual and multidimensional lives that evolved through four and half centuries in the secluded and tiny Portuguese enclave of Macau, then Hong Kong and Shanghai.

The Portuguese in China 1513-1999 - Courage, Endurance and Adaptation is a revised second edition of the book Macaenses - the Portuguese in China, published in 2015, adapting the revisions made for the Chinese translation with new material added and further revising the original text.
